MII Oil Holding Inc.

Your partner in oil business and more

S P E C I A L   N O T I F I C A T I O N


Reference: "BUYERS" allegedly claimed that producers and suppliers in Middle East and other countries such as OAO Rosneft and other Russian suppliers DON’T require PRE-PAYMENT for crude and refined fuel oil

Ladies and gentlemen,

We would like to point out the fact that the board of directors of the MII Oil Holding, however, also our MII area managers and MII representative worldwide received over and over again from brokers, mandate holders, and so-called prospective exit buyers several correspondences in which they allegedly claimed that producers and suppliers in Middle East and other countries such as OAO Rosneft and other Russian suppliers  DON’T require PRE-PAYMENT for the sale and purchase of their crude oil and other refined fuel oil is fake.

We as MII Oil Holding kindly ask all these brokers, mandate holders, and so-called prospective buyers to spare MII Oil Holding from this kind of communication and emails with which they are bringing into circulation these false claims and invented cartoon stories because this assertion is not only fictitious, but purely and simply wrong and we justify this not with personal explanations, but with facts that are reported on the website of OAO Rosneft and in every single link that we have extracted from the website of OAO Rosneft and enclosed herein.

The below information and links that we have enclosed are posted and published on the official website of OAO Rosneft at:
https://rosneft.comand is evidencing the true fact that OAO Rosneft requires PRE-PAYMENT for the sale and purchase of Russian Export Blend Crude Oil (REBCO) and other refined fuel oil from each customer including state-owned controlled companies and this contradicts without any doubt all these false claims and invented cartoon story what brokers, mandate holders, and so-called prospective buyers are bringing in circulation.





Yet another five-year crude oil and petroleum product supply contract was signed with Trafigura, envisaging a prepayment of up to $1.5 billion. The sale price on this contract will be in line with the price received by the Company at regular tenders.


On 21 December 2012 Rosneft agreed heads of terms for long-term crude supply contracts with Glencore International plc (‘Glencore’) and Vitol, two of the world’s leading trading companies. Under the heads of terms, Rosneft plans to sign contracts with a prepayment for a duration of 5 years to supply up to 67 mln tonnes of crude in total. The supplies are expected to commence in 2013.


Rosneft and CNPC are authorized to implement today’s agreement between Russia and China to expand cooperation in crude oil trading. In line with the agreement, Rosneft and CNPC signed heads of terms of crude supplies with prepayment, which envisage contracts on additional supplies via the Skovorodino-Mohe pipeline over the next 25 years. It is planned to increase the supplies this year after the intergovernmental agreement comes into force


Before the supplies start Rosneft is to receive a prepayment of up to USD 10 bln that can be used for corporate-wide and investment purposes.

Commenting on the agreements Igor Sechin, Rosneft President and Chairman of the Management Board said: “We are happy to start the implementation of the long-term contracts after having agreed heads of terms late last year. A number of aspects constitute a landmark approach: on the one hand, we guarantee predictable supply volumes to our customers based on tender pricing, on the other – we receive prepayment that can be used for our strategic goals. The contracts are beneficial for all the parties: they support further development of Rosneft resource base, guarantee stable supplies to Glencore and Vitol, ensure energy security for end consumers and in the long term will.....


The MII Holding was registered in the British Virgin Islands for more than 30 years and decided for administrative decision to establish in the United States the MII Oil Holding Inc.. The MII Oil Holding Inc. is a United States privately held corporation, registered under the number P11000105256 in Tallahassee, Florida United States as evidenced by registration and document copies that each individual is able to verify with the
Florida Department of State - Division of Incorporation athttp://www.sunbiz.org/index.htmlor simply clicking on Florida Department of State - Division of Incorporation that lead you automatically to "Search By Entity Name" of Division of Incorporation, where you just insert the company name "MII OIL HOLDING" to receive around all information.

The MII Oil Holding was neither in the past nor today a subsidiary or an affiliated company under the control of any government or companies. The MII Oil Holding does not ask prospective buyers to transfer money to cover certain services, such as handling some form of paperwork (visas, invitations, permits), contract authentication or activation with state bodies or ministries (n.b. this is not required by any government), covering transportation fees or organizing a trip for a delegation from a buyers company to visit the headquarter of a company for a supposed meeting to sign the contract (Table Talk Meeting — ТТМ), etc.

The MII Oil Holding requires for the sale of its product a type of guaranty in form of a specific amount called the Deposit Advance Payment (DAP) at the rate between Five (5%) percent of the first-month cargo value whose percentage depends on due diligence executed by the compliance department. The MII Oil Holding don’t ask in advance the pre-payment equivalent of 30%, 50, or more of a one-year cargo value like other oil companies in the major countries demand in particular suppliers in the Middle East.

Please note, that this specific amount called Deposit Advance Payment (DAP) at the rate between Five (5%) percent of the first-month cargo value is a ONETIME (unique) security pre-payment for new first-time buyers only and each first-time buyer has to undertake and agree that the herein mentioned amount called Deposit Advance Payment (DAP) at the rate of Five (5%) percent of the first-month cargo value is held by the MII Oil Holding in their bank in case of default or non-performance until the buyer's bank sends and MII Oil Holding’s bank kept the entering of the Revolving Documentary Letter of Credit (RDLC). The herein mentioned amount called Deposit Advance Payment (DAP) is then automatically credited and applied to the first payment contingent after the successful delivery and full payment (REMITTANCE 95%) of the product.

The MII Oil Holding Inc. is as already said a United States privately held corporation, registered in Tallahassee, Florida USA, and irrevocable guarantees that if the MII Oil Holding does not perform as per the contract the herein mentioned amount called Deposit Advance Payment (DAP) at the rate of Five (5%) percent of the first-month cargo value amount is fully refundable and immediately (WITHIN 72 BANK HOURS OF DEFAULT) returned to the buyer's bank.

The founding and current Executive Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the MII Holding Groupe, His Excellency Marquis Dr. Armando Mormina, has established either allocations or producer partnership agreements with several producing nations for the supply of Crude Oil, Refined Fuels, and Liquefied natural gas (LNG). Such allocation agreements allow MII Oil Holding Inc. to offer supply on a title-held basis in MII Oil Holding owned storage facilities and operated vessels for CIF deliveries.

The MII Oil Holding has a long-standing producer partnership with several oil companies that has resulted in a unique trustee position for the supply of Crude Oil and many types of refined fuel derivatives. This special allocation held position allows MII Oil Holding to supply from the major oil companies and a few other major refinery groups and also retains producer partnerships with a number of refineries to supply at this moment until revocation Non-Russian origin crude, gas and refined fuels. The MII Oil Holding retains either allocation or production agreements with the major companies in the Middle East for example Saudi Aramco, NIOC, ADNOC, Qatargas, and others, the MII Oil Holding Inc. has in addition long-standing supply contracts with both the United Nations and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) as well as to several airlines. For buyers to make such confirmations, a level 5 security clearance is required.

The MII Oil Holding regularly deliveries into the ARA (Antwerp-Rotterdam-Amsterdam) but also Houston, Texas tank farms from the major ports and tanking storages in tank farms from which the MII can supply on special request also the products based on CIF delivery ASWP. All MII products are sold on valid Pro-forma-offer (PFO), Full-corporate-offer (FCO) supply contract basis, with fuel or crude oil blocked in buyers name at the time of Pro-forma-offer (PFO), Full-corporate-offer (FCO) issue on a title held basis. The MII Oil Holdings Guidelines can be found on our website at 
http://www.mii-holding.org or simply clicking on the following link: http://www.mii-holding.org/guidelines.html and the MII Oil Holdings terms and sales procedures can be found in our sample Pro-forma-offer (PFO) or Full-corporate-offer (FCO) contracts as well as on our website or simply clicking on the following link: http://www.mii-holding.org/sales-procedure.html